SA Labour and Employment Law Documents

At Labour Smart we strive to provide our subscribers with a comprehensive library of labour and employment law documents, templates, forms, information sheets and publications. 

Employees, unions, managers and HR professionals from the smallest to the largest employer, can download templates, information sheets, publications and examples to assist in managing various aspects of HR, dispute resolution, disciplinary hearings and much more.

From our publications you can find guidance about any aspect of Labour law, literally from the date of the interview of the new employee until his dismissal, resignation or retrenchment.

For more information you can contact Labour Smart at 012 345 2955

Main Category
Sub Category
Document Type
Title Description Type Price
Absenteeism and how to manage it
Category Discipline
Identifying the different types of absenteeism and how to manage it. Information Sheet R 115.00 Preview
Desertion CCMA
Category CCMA
Information sheet by the CCMA on Desertion - Desertion implies that an employee has left the place of work and does not appear to have any intention of returning to the workplace. Forms FREE Preview
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