About this product
This module will guide you through the process of ensuring that your company complies with the requirements of the Employment Equity legislation (EEA). This includes practical information and guidance on how to establish an Employment Equity Committee, start the consultation process, do an analysis, developing and implementing the EE Plan and ultimately reporting to the DOL. This practical guide and videos will assist employers to comply with the rigorous requirements of the EEA and its regulations, become legally compliant and avoid hefty fines by the Labour Court.
Why should you buy this product
Probably the most controversial and published part of the recent labour law amendmens are the compliance part of the Employment Equity Act, 2014. Employers who do not comply with the consultation, analysis, planning and reporting obligations of the EEA can be fined by the Labour Court up to 10% of its turnover. There are few excuses which will be accepted, as this piece of legislation has been on the lawbooks for more than 10 years now and the DOL has voved to taking employers to task. This product will assist the employer with clear, understandable guidelines, templates and videos.
Videos, templates, explanation sheets and a comprehensive publication will guide you though unfair discrimination, equal pay for equal value, disputes, unfair discrimination, the Employment equity committee's role and set up, analysis, consultation, planning and reporting to the DOL and ECC. Full access for 1 year.
Title | Description | Type | Actions |
Comprehensive introduction to EEA | A comprehensive introduction to the inner workings of the Employment Equity Act (as Amended). | Information Sheet | Preview |
Discussion paper - Recruitment and employment equity | This publication deals with the recruitment process and employment equity. It considers the right of applicants not to be unfairly discriminated against, the right to privacy, medical testing, psychometric testing, affirmative action and managerial prerogative. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Code of Good Practice on Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value | Draft Code of Good Practice on Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value - Employment Equity Act, 1998 (ACT 55 OF 1998 AS AMENDED) - 29 September 2014 | Forms | Preview |
Case law update on cultural rights | The Supreme Court of Appeal has had the final word on the matter, Kievits Kroon Country Estate (Pty) Ltd v CCMA & others (LC). A case law update on the rights of employees to cultural expression. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Duties of the Designated Employer | A Designated Employer must, after conducting an analysis and consulting with employees, prepare and implement an employment equity plan. The Designated employer must then report to the DOL on its progress with regard to implementing EE as well as addressing unfair income differentials in the workplace. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Duties of the Designated Employer | A Designated Employer must, after conducting an analysis and consulting with employees, prepare and implement an employment equity plan. The Designated employer must then report to the DOL on its progress with regard to implementing EE as well as addressing unfair income differentials in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
EE Member Appointment Letter | A letter electing a member to the Employment Equity Committee "EEC" . In terms of the Employment Equity Act, the company is obliged to set up an EEC. This committee is a consultation forum where the employer and the employee representatives (and the unions) must meet on a regular basis to consult on employment equity matters. | Information Sheet | Preview |
EE Member Appointment Letter | A letter electing a member to the Employment Equity Committee "EEC" . In terms of the Employment Equity Act, the company is obliged to set up an EEC. This committee is a consultation forum where the employer and the employee representatives (and the unions) must meet on a regular basis to consult on employment equity matters. | Template | Preview |
EE newsletter #1 | A letter to employees from the employer detailing Employment Equity initiatives and commitments. The purpose of the EEA is mainly to achieve equity ad equality in the workplace. This is achieved by promoting equal opportunity for all employees and to eliminate unfair discrimination. | Information Sheet | Preview |
EE newsletter #1 | A letter to employees from the employer detailing Employment Equity initiatives and commitments. The purpose of the EEA is mainly to achieve equity ad equality in the workplace. This is achieved by promoting equal opportunity for all employees and to eliminate unfair discrimination. | Template | Preview |
EE Questionaire employees | An EEA checklist form for employees from the employer ensuring Employment Equity initiatives and commitments. The purpose of the EEA is mainly to achieve equity ad equality in the workplace. This is achieved by promoting equal opportunity for all employees and to eliminate unfair discrimination. | Information Sheet | Preview |
EE Questionaire employees | An EEA checklist form for employees from the employer ensuring Employment Equity initiatives and commitments. The purpose of the EEA is mainly to achieve equity ad equality in the workplace. This is achieved by promoting equal opportunity for all employees and to eliminate unfair discrimination. | Template | Preview |
EEC Constitution | The constitution document for an Employment Equity Committee, the keystone to the policy and commitments fostered towards development of an EE friendly environment in practice. | Information Sheet | Preview |
EEC Constitution | The constitution document for an Employment Equity Committee, the keystone to the policy and commitments fostered towards development of an EE friendly environment in practice. | Template | Preview |
EEC minutes | Meeting minute template for the Employment Equity Committee. | Information Sheet | Preview |
EEC minutes | Meeting minute template for the Employment Equity Committee. | Template | Preview |
EEC questionaire | This check list is designed as part of the analysis conducted by the employer in order to prepare an employment equity plan and report. | Information Sheet | Preview |
EEC questionaire | This check list is designed as part of the analysis conducted by the employer in order to prepare an employment equity plan and report. | Template | Preview |
EEF Agenda #1 | An employment equity forum template to be used as a guide for discussions and meetings. | Template | Preview |
EEF Agenda #2 | An employment equity forum template to be used as a guide for discussions and meetings. | Template | Preview |
EEF Agenda #3 | An employment equity forum template to be used as a guide for discussions and meetings. | Template | Preview |
EEF Agenda #4 | An employment equity forum template to be used as a guide for discussions and meetings. | Template | Preview |
EEF Agenda #5 | An employment equity forum template to be used as a guide for discussions and meetings. | Template | Preview |
Equal pay for work of equal value | An information sheet considering the concept of 'work of equal value for equal pay'. According to the Employment Equity amendments, direct or indirect unfair discrimination will also include a differentiation in terms and conditions of employment of employees doing the same or similar work (substantially) or work of equal value. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Equal pay for work of equal value | An information sheet considering the concept of 'work of equal value for equal pay'. According to the Employment Equity amendments, direct or indirect unfair discrimination will also include a differentiation in terms and conditions of employment of employees doing the same or similar work (substantially) or work of equal value. | Template | Preview |
Executive summary of EEA | A template with an overview of the Employment Equity Act, No. 55 of 1998 (EEA) as amended. The Act details equality (the right to be treated equally) and equity (the right not to be discriminated against) rights which are protected in our Constitution. | Template | Preview |
Executive summary of EEA | A template with an overview of the Employment Equity Act, No. 55 of 1998 (EEA) as amended. The Act details equality (the right to be treated equally) and equity (the right not to be discriminated against) rights which are protected in our Constitution. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Explanatory memorandum on the EE Amendment Act | The Employment Equity Act Amendments were finally enacted in 2013 and were approved in the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces late in 2013. The Act and the regulations 2014 were implemented on 1 August 2014. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Explanatory memorandum on the EE Amendment Act | A document detailing the amendments of the Employment Equity Act. These amendments were finally enacted in 2013 and were approved in the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces late in 2013. The Act and the regulations 2014 were implemented on 1 August 2014. | Template | Preview |
Forms for Employment Equity Reports | A document containing links to the Employment Equity Reports. | Information Sheet | Preview |
General provisions of the EEA | The employer must establish and maintain records in respect of his workforce, his employment equity plan and any other records relevant to compliance with the Employment Equity Act. This template provides details for the employer to comply by submitting an employment equity plan. | Template | Preview |
General provisions of the EEA | The employer must establish and maintain records in respect of his workforce, his employment equity plan and any other records relevant to compliance with the Employment Equity Act. This template provides details for the employer to comply by submitting an employment equity plan. | Information Sheet | Preview |
How to draft an EE Plan | In terms of the Employment Equity Act, as amended, a designated employer must prepare and implement and EE Plan which will achieve reasonable progress toward employment equity in the workplace. | Information Sheet | Preview |
How to draft an EE Plan | In terms of the Employment Equity Act, as amended, a designated employer must prepare and implement and EE Plan which will achieve reasonable progress toward employment equity in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
Operational requirements v cultural rights and sangoma | An article discussing Kievits Kroon Country Estate (Pty) Ltd v CCMA (LC) - the impact of the right to cultural practices and freedom of expression and how it inter-relates with the work place. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Operational requirements v cultural rights and sangoma | An article discussing Kievits Kroon Country Estate (Pty) Ltd v CCMA (LC) - the impact of the right to cultural practices and freedom of expression and how it inter-relates with the work place. | Template | Preview |
Religious and Gender Discrimination | An article considering the balancing of rights between the work place rules set down by an employer and the effect they may have on discriminating unfairly against an employees right to religious and cultural expression. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Religious and Gender Discrimination | An article considering the balancing of rights between the work place rules set down by an employer and the effect they may have on discriminating unfairly against an employees right to religious and cultural expression. | Template | Preview |
Summary of the employment Equity Regulation R595 of GG 37873 of 1 August 2014 | This regulation repealed the previous regulations of 2009. The regulations define work of equal value, duties of the designated employer, enforcement mechanisms and general administrative matters. | Template | Preview |
Summary of the employment Equity Regulation R595 of GG 37873 of 1 August 2014 | This regulation repealed the previous regulations of 2009. The regulations define work of equal value, duties of the designated employer, enforcement mechanisms and general administrative matters. | Information Sheet | Preview |
The role of the Union Representative | The role of union representatives are investigated. They are entitled by virtue of the EEA to represent employees on the EEC. The EEA clearly allows for representation and the employer must consult on the subject of EE with the union. All representative unions must be allowed. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Unfair Discrimination Against Transsexuals | Unfair discrimination in the work place is placed under the microscope considering the case of Atkins / Datacentrix (Pty) Ltd. The rejection of the arguments presented by this employer confirms the fact that unfair discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation will not be tolerated by our courts. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Unfair Discrimination Against Transsexuals | Unfair discrimination in the work place is placed under the microscope considering the case of Atkins / Datacentrix (Pty) Ltd. The rejection of the arguments presented by this employer confirms the fact that unfair discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation will not be tolerated by our courts. | Template | Preview |
Analysis Section 19 Check list - Gauteng | Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act nr 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to determine to what extend Designated Groups are under-represented in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
Analysis Section 19 Check list - Kwazulu Natal | Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act nr 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to determine to what extend Designated Groups are under-represented in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
Analysis Section 19 Check list - Limpopo | Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act nr 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to determine to what extend Designated Groups are under-represented in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
Analysis Section 19 Check list - Mpumalanga | Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act nr 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to determine to what extend Designated Groups are under-represented in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
Analysis Section 19 Check list - North West | Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act nr 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to determine to what extend Designated Groups are under-represented in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
Analysis Section 19 Check list - Northern Cape | Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act nr 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to determine to what extend Designated Groups are under-represented in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
Analysis Section 19 Check list - Western Cape | Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act nr 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to determine to what extend Designated Groups are under-represented in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
EE Section 19 Check list 2021 - National & Regional | (2020 Update) Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act no 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to determine to what extend Designated Groups are under-represented in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
EE Election form | All Designated Employers are obliged in terms of the Employment Equity Act 1998 to appoint an Employment Equity Consultative Forum where the employer meets with the unions and the employee representatives to consult on all matters of equity and equality, as directed by the Act. These representatives are appointed to represent your employment Equity interest in the Consultative Forum. | Template | Preview |
EEA13 - Employment Equity plan | Employment Equity Plan (Section 20). Section 20 requires designated employers to prepare and implement an Employment Equity Plan which will achieve reasonable progress towards employment equity in the employer’s workforce. | Information Sheet | Preview |
EEA13 - Employment Equity plan | Employment Equity Plan (Section 20). Section 20 requires designated employers to prepare and implement an Employment Equity Plan which will achieve reasonable progress towards employment equity in the employer’s workforce. | Template | Preview |
Employment Equity Regulation R595 of GG 37873 of 1 August 2014 | This regulation repealed the previous regulations of 2009. The regulations define work of equal value, duties of the designated employer, enforcement mechanisms and general administrative matters. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Analysis Section 19 Check list - Orange Freestate | Section 19 of the Employment Equity Act nr 55 of 1998 stipulates that a Designated Employer must conduct an analysis of employment policies, practices, procedures and working environment so as to identify employment barriers that adversely affect members from Designated Groups. The analysis must also include the development of a workforce profile to determine to what extend Designated Groups are under-represented in the workplace. | Template | Preview |
Equal pay for work of equal value | Section 6 (4) of the Employment Equity Amendment Act of 2013 (EEAA) further allows for work of equal value for equal pay principle. According to the amendment, direct or indirect unfair discrimination will also include a differentiation in terms and conditions of employment of employees doing the same or similar work, substantially the same work or work of equal value. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Equal pay for work of equal value | Section 6 (4) of the Employment Equity Amendment Act of 2013 (EEAA) further allows for work of equal value for equal pay principle. According to the amendment, direct or indirect unfair discrimination will also include a differentiation in terms and conditions of employment of employees doing the same or similar work, substantially the same work or work of equal value. | Template | Preview |
People With Disabilities - As Defined By The EEA | People with disabilities are defined as people with long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits their prospect of entry into or advancement in employment. This is a two tier requirement and the second part should always be considered as not all disabilities will qualify under the EEA. | Information Sheet | Preview |
Title | Description | Type | Actions |
001 – Employment Equity: Introduction | Introduction | Webcast | Preview |
002 - Employment Equity: Unfair Discrimination | Unfair Discrimination | Webcast | Preview |
003.1 - Employment Equity: Affirmative Action | Affirmative Action | Webcast | Preview |
003.2 - Employment Equity: Starting Affirmative Action | Starting Affirmative Action | Webcast | Preview |
003.3 - Employment Equity: Analysis and Consultation Process | Analysis and Consultation Process | Webcast | Preview |
004 - Employment Equity: Understanding Affirmative Action | Understanding Affirmative Action | Webcast | Preview |
005.1 - Employment Equity: General Conditions | General Conditions | Webcast | Preview |
005.2 - Employment Equity: Functions of the Employment Equity Forum | Functions of the Employment Equity Forum | Webcast | Preview |
Title | Description | Type | Actions |
The Employment Equity Act, No. 55 of 1998 & The Employment Equity Amendment Act 47 of 2013 - Practical Overview | The Employment Equity Act, No. 55 of 1998 (EEA) deals with rights which are protected in our Constitution. Chapter 2 of the Bill of Rights, as contained in the Constitution of South Africa, enshrines the rights of all people in South Africa and affirms the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom. The EEA affirms the rights of employees to equity and fairness in the work place. | Publication | Preview |
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