Event Title : Guide to Employment Equity

Full Description
Employers need to know their obligations in terms of the Employment equity legislation to avoid hefty fines, compensation, or damage orders against them. This three-hour online workshop will provide the delegates with an overview of the application of the Employment Equity Act and how it protects and governs both employers and employees in the employment situation.
Start Date
17 March 2025 @ 09:00
Course Type
Distance Learning

Module 1 : DL2 - Comprehensive Guide to Employment Equity

DL02: Guide to Employment Equity

Employers need to know its obligations in terms of the Employment equity legislation to avoid hefty fines or compensation or damage orders against them.

This three-hour online workshop will provide the delegates with an overview of the application of the Employment Equity Act and how it protects and governs both employers and employees in the employment situation

Module 1 Session 1: Introduction to the Employment Equity Act:

  • Introduction and purpose of the EEA
  • Application of the EEA
  • Definitions
  • Prohibition of unfair discrimination
  • Unfair discrimination
  • Unpacking fair discrimination
  • Equal pay for work of equal value
  • Job applicants and pre-employment practices
  • Disputes about unfair discrimination
  • Burden of proof

Module 1 Session 2: Affirmative Action:

  • Defining affirmative action in terms of the EEA
  • Defining Designated Employees
  • Occupational levels
  • Definition of disabled
  • What must the employer do?
  • Consultation
  • Conducting analysis
  • Preparation of EE Plan

Module 1 Session 3: Affirmative Action:

  • Report
    • On the Plan
    • Income differentiation and discrimination
  • Monitoring and Enforcement
    • Compliance undertaking
    • Compliance order
    • Enforcement
    • Failure to comply
    • Fines
  • EEA Amendment Bill, 2018
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