Event Title : CH7 - Managing day to day HR

Full Description

Every Manager and HR practitioner is faced with challenges on a daily basis. In order to manage employees, the manager needs to know how to deal with these day to day issues in a pro-active and constructive way. The course is practical and highly interactive and designed to solicit interaction from the delegates. This approach stimulates change in thinking and practice and will provide delegates with a safe environment to test ideas, knowledge and practices. The delegate will be supplied with a workbook, inclusive of case studies, relevant legislation, examples and the latest Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court cases, with references.

1 day

Module 1 : Your Disciplinary Code

  • Understanding the concept of discipline and it Constitutional effect
  • Independent contractors FTC’S and labour brokers
  • Understanding your disciplinary code and procedures - its role and need in a business;
  • Schedule 8 of the LRA
  • Can you deviate from the code and when?
  • What do the different charges mean
  • What do you need to prove for each charge
  • Investigating Misconduct, polygraph and traps
  • The role of appeal and the role players

Module 2 : How to deal with day to day challenges

  • Insubordination
  • Absenteeism, abscondment and desertion
  • Abuse of sick leave and leave
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Resignations and termination of contract
  • Conflict between unions and union members
  • Derivative or team misconduct, Imprisoned employees
  • Constructive dismissal
  • Social media in the workplace

Module 3 : Counselling of employees

  • When to counsel or discipline
  • The value of counselling
  • Recording the process

Module 4 : Incapacity due to poor performance or illness

  • When do I consider this?
  • What procedure is required?
  • How does it differ from discipline?
  • What to do with the employee that refuses to participate in the process
  • When can I dismiss?

Module 5 : Grievances and grievance procedures

• How to deal with grievances and grievance procedures
• How to deal with the difficult employee